Category Archives: Nexus S 4G

Sprint’s Nexus S 4G First to Sample Swype’s Latest Update

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Beginning at 9AM today, owners of Sprint’s Nexus S 4G will get the first crack at the latest update to the Swype keyboard for Android devices. The new update introduces App Gestures, a feature that will allow users to select text and then send it to an application based on a keyboard shortcut. Say you find some text you’d like to send to your Twitter. Simply select it and then swipe from the Swype key to the letters T and W and the app will launch with the text already filled in. Other improvements include refined personal dictionary management as well as auto-capitalization of proper nouns. If you own the Nexus S 4G simply head over to about an hour from now and you should find the update primed and ready.

[via Gizmodo]