Apple WWDC banner lifts lid on keynote: Lion + iOS 5 + iCloud

Seemingly, nothing to hide
Apple WWDC banner lifts lid on keynote: Lion + iOS 5 + iCloud. Apple, WWDC2011, Phones, Tablets, mac, Mac OS X Lion, iOS 5, icloud,  0

Apple's Worldwide Developers' Conference starts on Monday (6 June) and usually there's the utmost secrecy on what the opening keynote address will contain. However, unless we're all in for a very unlikely shock, the company has thrown its usual tactics well and truly out of the window.

Pocket-lint has already been sent a press release around saying that it will be launching Lion, the eighth build of Mac OS X, iOS 5 for iPad and iPhone, and iCloud, and now the manufacturer has been?blas??with its WWDC banner.

In former years, Apple has hidden the banner - which, this year, show icons for Lion, iOS5 and iCloud - until after the keynote. But, considering its more transparent strategy this time, it clearly doesn't care.

Apple Insider has managed to sneak inside the venue and grab some pics, and there, boldly going up onto the walls, are the massive banners - content exposed for all to see. No iPhone 5, and no surprises.

It's a shame really, but perhaps there's a change in the air. Maybe, this is the way things will be without Jobs...

Somehow, it takes all the fun out of it.


Tags: Apple WWDC2011 Phones Tablets mac Mac OS X Lion iOS 5 icloud

Apple WWDC banner lifts lid on keynote: Lion + iOS 5 + iCloud originally appeared on on Fri, 03 Jun 2011 10:05:34 +0100

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